How to decide on the location for your shoot.

So, you have had your Discovery call and have decided to book your Personal Brand Photography shoot! Brilliant! but, now what? How do you know where to have your Brand Shoot? How on earth do you choose a location?
I hear you! Its not as difficult as you think and a couple of weeks before your shoot, we will arrange to have a Zoom call, so we can go over and finalise everything, so there is no need to panic :)

But, I do understand the importance of this….you want to get this right, after all you have invested in your business and chosen to book a professional Photographer, so this means a lot!

Firstly think of your Shoot as a story board of your Business and brand. However, it doesn’t stop there….MORE importantly its all so about YOU! Its about connecting to YOUR ideal Client, they want to be able to resonate with you too. After all PEOPLE BUY FROM PEOPLE!

Its about connecting to YOUR ideal Client, they want to be able to resonate with YOU too. After all PEOPLE BUY FROM PEOPLE!
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Photographer/Instructor & Mentor.

Ok, before we go any further, lets have a look at how many locations you can choose for each of my packages.

If you choose my most popular package: the 4 hour shoot, you can choose up to three locations! Which is perfect for a good variety of images. As I have previously mentioned….think of your Brand Shoot as a ‘story board’ of your Business/Brand. You are telling a story of YOU and your BUSINESS.

When deciding on your location, please take into consideration how it makes you feel….something many people dont do! If the enviroment makes you feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease, this will come across in your finished set off images.
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Photographer/Instructor & Mentor

Lets look at the different things you need to consider when choosing your perfect location/locations.

When deciding on your location, please take into consideration how it makes you feel….something many people dont do! If the enviroment makes you feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease, this will come across in your finished set off images.

The above images were taken on a beach and sand dunes, at Lytham St Annes, in the North West. It made my Client feel relaxed and happy! It was a place she loved!

Dawni, (Beyond the Dawn) also wanted to really connect with her ideal Client. So, by having her Brand Photo shoot there, she would not only resonate with her ideal Client, but she would also show another side of her personality too.
Obviously I also took into consideration the finished look and feel of Dawni’s set of images, in post production (editing), but that’s a whole other blog post :).

As you can see though, choosing your location, has to be one of your most important aspects of the whole Brand Shoot.

As you can see though, choosing your location, has to be one of your most important aspects of the whole Brand Shoot.
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Photography/Instructor & Mentor

Lets have a closer look at another location chosen by one of my past Clients, Sharon Blackburn.
After our chat via Zoom, Sharon and I decided that the location where she baked her cakes etc would be best suited for her Brand Shoot. Sharon had decided again on my 4 Hour package, because she really wanted to take her time getting each and every shot, set up properly. Although the 4 hour package allowed her to choose up to three different locations, we both agreed that, spending time setting up each shot in the one location best suited her business needs.


Sharon felt comfortable. She also felt at ease…this is her domain, the place where she loves to create and get creative!
I worked alongside Sharon, guiding her and also listening to her suggestions…I really wanted to capture Sharon at work, showcasing her delicious cakes too. This gave her ideal Client a different view point to her business as well.


And by setting up each shot individually, taking our time…

meant I could really capture some beautiful detailed shots too, perfect for her Book!

But lets remember one very important aspect here, Sharon felt comfortable! She felt relaxed! Which in turn meant the whole Photo-shoot was fantastic!

I worked alongside Sharon, guiding her and also listening to her suggestions…I really wanted to capture Sharon at work, showcasing her delicious cakes too. This gave her ideal Client a different view point to her business as well.
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Photographer/ Instructor & Mentor

Now, also there are times when you really do want to change your location choice. You may decide on a selection of formal shots shot inside your office, then a selection of shots taken at your favorite park, so your ideal Client gets a different view point of you and they get a sneak peek into your world!

Or perhaps you really feel a particular Location will really connect with your Clients. You will be surprised how quickly a 4 hour shoot goes! But choosing this option will really allow you to explore different locations and give you an array of different images too.

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Take my wonderful Client Wendy Caunce of Higher mind Therapies. Wendy choose some amazing locations for her 4 hour Shoot. All the locations were very near to each other, allowing for us to really make the most of the Photography Shoot. It also meant that Wendy had a real variety to her images…

There is one thing to remember though…..
Wendy felt comfortable, she knew the locations well! So she felt at ease, they also really shown her personality, brand and business.
And, not forgetting the important stuff! They really connected to her ideal Client!

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Wendy felt comfortable, she knew the locations well! So she felt at ease, they also really shown her personality, brand and business.
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Photographer/Instructor & Mentor

A few questions to ask yourself when you are deciding on your location/locations…

1) Will you feel relaxed? Are you already familiar with this location?
2) Will it resonate with your Ideal Client?

3) Do you want to show another side of your personality? perhaps a hobby, natural shots of you enjoying your life…behind the scenes?

4)Remember you really want a varied finished set of images too, will this location/locations enable me to work my creative magic?

5) If you are choosing my 4 Hour package, are the locations close together?

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Remember you really want a varied finished set of images too, will this location/locations enable me to work my creative magic?
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Photographer/Instructor & Mentor

Ok so you have really had a good think about your location, but you are still finding it difficult to think of anywhere!! Don’t worry, I am here to help! Here are a few ideas for you… (Obviously choose those that resonate with you, your Client and your business!).

1) A local park.
2) A favorite, woods, forest ect…
3) Your garden.
4) In your home…Kitchen, living room, home office.
5) On the beach!
6) In your Art Studio.
7) At your venue.
8)In your Office/studio.
9) Urban location/ Street etc.
10)At your yoga Studio. (If you are a yoga teacher!)
11) In your favorite cafe..(we obviously need permission to do this, but its possible!).

There are tonnes of ideas for a location! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box too!

I am here to help and guide you!

Emzy x


How do I choose what to wear for my Personal Brand Shoot?


How will I use all my Brand Images?