How will I use all my Brand Images?

I have been asked this question many times… “Emma, there seems to be such a lot of images, how will I use them all?”

Ok, there are many ways to use your images, But before we go any further, lets look at just how many images you receive in each package.
So, if you book a one hour shoot, you will receive around 30 images. (On occasions this can be more! I tend to get carried away! I make no apologies for this! Ha!)

And on a three hour Shoot, you will receive 80/100 images.


Now, some of my wonderful Clients who have booked a three hour session, have asked me how they should use their images? Where will they use them?
I have been told that’s a lot of images! And do they really need 80?

Well…you will be surprised just how quickly the Brand Shoot will go and how useful those images become to you! They will end up becoming the back bone of your Social Media.

Firstly, I always try to set up the shoot in sections, so I may photograph someone in their office or ‘at work’ then lifestyle images to capture their personality, plus I also capture those small details too. Which can be used like stock photography imagery.

Here is an example; Catherine is a health & well-being coach.

Section 1; (First part of your shoot). I take a variety of images of Catherine at work, on her laptop, on her phone, in her office etc. During this section, I may take close ups of the slogan on her Diary/planner, or a Photograph of her favorite rose gold pen, again it has a motivational slogan embossed on the pen. Her gold Buddha sat in her Window and her beautiful bouquet of flowers sent to her from her Hubby! (Catherine could use these detail shots for her Website or marketing material).

Section 2; (Second part of your shoot) I then might take a variety of lifestyle images. I want Catherine’s Ideal Client to see her personality! So they need to see her drinking from her favorite Mug, preparing her healthy lunches, taking her beloved puppy out for a walk, chatting with friends ect.
Again, I will take the detail shots too such as; a close up of her favorite mug, a close up her puppy, a close up her lunch, a close of her favorite yoga gear, her trainers…etc.
I am creating a story about Catherine. I want her potential Clients to resonate with her.


So where will YOU use YOUR images?

1) You could use your images for your Website!

Now you will notice that I leave space around my subject matter on almost all of my Brand Photography images. (This is known as negative space within a composition, a spot of technical photography language for you!) This is so that a Website designer can crop an image if they have to fit in with your design or Website platform. I have lost count of the number of times, I have heard from a Website Designers, explaining that a Clients Brand shoot hasn’t worked out because the Photographer didn’t leave enough room for the images to be cropped! They often ask me, why didn’t their Client do their research first and book a Photographer that actually understands what Brand Photography is?

2) Social Media content!
Just think of the amount of content you will have to use in your Facebook posts, Instagram posts, Linkedin posts etc…. This means you could schedule posts weeks in advance! Just think how easy it will be to have gorgeous images aligned with your YOU and YOUR Business!! Because a selfie isn’t always going to be enough!
You will have natural shots, you may have fun shots! You will have shots showing YOUR personality and lovely natural shots of you at work too. Think of the messaging you could create behind the imagery! Just think of the amount of Social media posts you WILL create! You will never have to STRESS again about what to post! Believe me I have been there too!

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3) Off-line Marketing.

So you might still attend networking meetings, where you meet other Business owners in person…this is a perfect opportunity to swap good old fashioned business cards, getting your BRAND out there! Having a stunning image that ‘talks’ to YOUR ideal Client is key. So, dont just think of having YOUR logo on the front of your business card, get an mage on there too! :)

Depending on the type of business you own, you may also exhibit at special events, such as; Wedding Fares, Fitness Events, Cooking shows etc. Having booklets, tri-fold leaflets, Business cards etc….is a fantastic way to display your services, products and contact information. They are also perfect for potential Clients/customers to take home with them too. You are going to need imagery for these! Imagery that stands out from the crowd!

You may be speaking at an important event, so having imagery for posters, magazine editorials, advertisements etc…will also be incredibly important.

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As you can see there are countless opportunities to use YOUR Personal Brand Images…I have probably not even mentioned them all…
But I really hope this goes some way to helping you find amazing ways to use YOUR IMAGERY…

Don’t forget, once you have had YOUR Shoot, you will have YOUR very own bank of images, all aligned to YOU and YOUR Brand!

Thanks for reading…
Emzy x


How to decide on the location for your shoot.


Why Personal Brand Photography is important!