How do I choose what to wear for my Personal Brand Shoot?

I know deciding on what to wear for your Personal Brand Shoot, can sometimes feel like a daunting task. I completely understand, I really do! However, did you know it doesn’t have to be that difficult and you certainly dont have to spend all day worrying whether your choice of clothes will ‘fit’ the brief or make you feel super confident!
I am here to tell you, it doesn’t need to be that hard, although it does help if you have someone to give you a few tips and guidance. You see, not only will I photograph you, but I will help you to decide on your perfect outfit too!
So in a previous life, (Yes I have had a muggle job!) I actually worked as a Visual Merchandising Stylist for a large well known Department store!

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by choosing to work with me, you dont just get a Professional Photographer, but you also get a Fashion Stylist. So breathe!
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Professional Photographer.

Yep, I led a team of Visual Merchandising Stylists at a rather well known large Department Store. I loved the position, it was a way for me to be creative whilst designing and creating Window displays, as well as getting to choose outfits for around 20 Mannequins. I have a great eye for fashion as well as detail, so having someone on hand you can rely on to help you put outfits together, is a bonus right?

So by choosing to work with me, you dont just get a Professional Photographer, but you also get a Fashion Stylist. So breathe, I have got you!

So, let me run through some advice….

1) Brand Colours.
A great starting point, is to firstly have a think about your Brand Colours, then ask yourself have I got anything I can wear that will compliment these? You dont have to go along this route, but its often a great way to get started if you are really confused.

Its also a really excellent way to get your Branding and messaging running through your images too! It creates a cohesive form of visual communication.

Its also a really excellent way to get your Branding and messaging running through your images too! It creates a cohesive form of visual communication.
— Emma Holt BA(Hons). (Professional Photographer).

2) Ideal Client.

Next think about your ideal client. Don’t forget, I am creating imagery that will ‘talk’ to your people! I know it might sound strange, but will your IC understand why you are wearing what you are wearing? Will they get it?

For instance, if you are always smartly dressed in your facebook lives or videos, will your audience resonate with you if you are dressed really casually? Say in jeans and a t-shirt? Will they expect to see you like that?

Thats not to say, that is completely wrong or wouldnt work, but its something to consider. Perhaps having a mixture of outfits to choose from might be alternative option to think about. A mixture of smart and casual might be a good idea, but again really think about your audience, what would they expect to see you dressed in?

A mixture of smart and casual might be a good idea, but again really think about your audience, what would they expect to see you dressed in?
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Professional Photographer.

The great thing to booking a four hour Brand shoot, is having the option of up to four outfit changes, allowing you to really experiement with the look and feel of your finished set of images. This is also going to give an array of different choices to choose from. A great mixture of smart office wear and smart casual might just be the way to really capture your personality as well as your Business.

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if you are always smartly dressed in your facebook lives or videos, will your audience resonate with you if you are dressed really casually? Say in jeans and a t-shirt? Will they expect to see you like that?
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Professional Photographer.

3) Colour Palette.

When choosing your outfit/outfits…always take into consideration your colour palette. Stay away from clashes of colour…why? Because you dont want your brightly coloured top to steal the show! Don’t forget its about YOU and your business and not about your favorite bright yellow top and purple jacket, with mint green boots!(Although if this your personality and it fits your business…then go for it!!!!).

Have in mind a colour palette, this will help you put together outfits that sit well together.
Ok, it doesn’t have to be muted pastel shades, but think how these colours will complement each other. This will also help create a well balanced composition.

A fantastic way to do this, is to lay out your outfits, on your bed or floor….then stand away from them, ask yourself these questions; do they complement each other? Do they blend together? What is the colour palette I am going for ?

Don’t forget its about YOU and your business and not about your favorite bright yellow top and purple jacket, with mint green boots!
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Professional Photographer.

Don’t forget some colours really compliment each other, such as Pink and grey…..
Take time to really Play around with your outfit choice, so you dont need to worry on the day, if your outfits will work.

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4) Accessories

Next have a think about what accessories will best match your outfit/ outfits.

Have you got a lovely set of earrings or necklace that would really complement your choice of outfit? What footwear are you going wear? Will you be carrying a bag? What about a matching hat and scarf?
Don’t spend too much worrying about this section though, go with your gut instinct…although remember, you dont want to wear something that will stand out, such as a really chunky, colourful necklace that will over power the finished image! (Unless you are a jewellery designer and you are showcasing the product you have designed and made!).
Remember the viewer, in this case YOUR Ideal Client…needs to connect with YOU and your BUSINESS….not your accessories. Its a case of balance within the composition and the finished image!

5) Personality

Ok, This is probably one of the most important aspects!
Whatever you choose you need to go with your personality, why? I hear you say!!
Well, because you NEED to feel comfortable during YOUR shoot.

If YOU never wear skirts or dresses, please don’t come wearing a long floaty dress! If that is NOT YOU, then why the heck are you wearing it! Especially to a Personal Brand shoot.

I want you to feel confident and at ease during your shoot. Yes, I can help you to a certain extent, but if you feel uncomfortable it will ultimately show on your images. So please consider your personality…
ask yourself these questions; Do I love to dress up? Would I normally wear a dress? Is the colour palette I have chosen, something I would normally wear? Do I feel more me, if I wear trousers/ jeans? Are these outfits really doing my bubbly personality justice?

Remember the viewer, in this case YOUR Ideal Client…needs to connect with YOU and your BUSINESS….not your accessories. Its a case of balance within the composition and the finished image!
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Professional Photographer.

And remember, if you decide to book a VIP Package, you will receive an amazing 1:1 session with mindset/body image coach Janet Hadden. This can be taken at any point during your 12 month package! Although its a great idea to have the session before your first shoot! This will definitely help you with those nerves prior to your shoot.


6) What to avoid!

It goes without saying, there will be some things you need to AVOID!
Here goes, (These are not rules set in stone! And sometimes these can and do work!!).

1) Please dont wear a really patterned outfit, while your photoshoot will be against a highly patterned wall or background!

I have seen so many of these mistakes, it really saddens me. If you know your images will taken against a highly patterned wall, graphic backdrop or busy background, you should not be wearing a really colourful flowery dress or geometric design…in fact a good Photographer, should not be taking these shots! This is when having qualifications and experience in the subject really is important!

Why? Well simply because, it causes too much of a contrast in the image. In other words….the overall finished effect is way too busy! So the viewer, YOUR Ideal Client, cannot connect with you and your brand message is lost!!

If something is too busy….it will NOT Work!
A rule in Photography….the emphasis should be on the subject matter. The background should not distract from the main focal point of the composition.
In otherwords, the main subject matter is YOU.
Or, an image where the focus is directed on a detailed aspect. (For instance your favorite book, pen or planner ect…)
Just remember its all part of the overall balance of the end composition.


2). Avoid wearing a large hat, in very sunny weather!
The high contrast of the Summer sun can cause really unflattering shadows across your face. think dark shadows across your cheeks and under your nose…
This is fine for a fashion shoot, where the images will be used for a glossy magazine and the Photographer wants to create an atmosphere or a modern, creative vibe. The emphasis will be on the clothes and not so much on the model.
That being said, there is a way to lighten the darken shadows with studio and location fill-in lighting. But for a Personal Brand Shoot, unless its part of your business or your messaging, then I would try to avoid a large hat on very bright days.

If something is too busy….it will NOT Work! A rule in Photography….the emphasis should be on the subject matter. The background should not distract from the main focal point of the composition.
— Emma Holt BA(Hons) Professional Photographer

3). Try to dress for the weather too!
If its freezing cold outside, wearing just a thin top will not work!

Why? Because you will look cold! Believe me!
Unless you are a Model being paid to dress in a swim suit in the depths of Winter, then you need to wrap up if your having a Photoshoot in the Winter.

A great way to get over this, is to layer your clothes.
You can always take a layer off quickly, for a particular shot! Then re-layer once the shot is over.

And if its raining, dont let that put you off! Holding an umbrella in a photograph can look super interesting and can make a fantastic life style shot!


I hope that some of the above has helped you.
There are of course other important aspects to consider and I always offer help and advice to each of my Clients.

Once you have booked your shoot, I will arrange a Zoom call with you and go through your shoot, your choice of outfit and location. All those little details……

So please dont worry! I have you covered!

With love from the bottom of my Camera

Emzy x


How to decide on the location for your shoot.