Emma Holt BA(Hons)



I’m Emma Holt BA(Hons) and its great to see you here! So, let me tell you a bit about me. Firstly, many of my friends call me Em or Emzy :) and many would say I am a tad mad! Well….professionally mad of course! lol! Yes, I have a bubbly personality and LOVE Cake!!! (Chocolate of course!). Oh and I regularly attend a Ballet Class at a local Dance School!

I live in Lancashire in a row of cottages, with my wonderful Hubby Chris, who just so happens to help me run my Photography School, Emotive Capture Photography School

Emotive Capture Photography School

Its really great, having his enthusiasm, creative input and support. I am extremely lucky to have him in my life.

I come from a really creative family, my Dad a retired Musician and Artist, was an Industrial Photographer when he was younger, so I guess I have caught the ‘Artistic bug’ from him!

Years ago, even before I considered Photography as a career, I studied Art & Design at College as well as A-level in Fine Art & A-level Art History. I just loved to draw and paint. I do think coming from an Art background has really shaped my Photography career. I feel It helps you to not only really notice your surroundings but understand creative composition better.


It wasn’t until later in life that I picked up a Camera and began a position working in a Photography Studio in my local town, this really fed my creative hunger! I had found a new love! And also a way to be really expressive and creative. It was then I decided to pursue a career in Photography.

So, at the ripe old age of 35, I enrolled on a Photography Degree course at my local University. I will be honest I was like a Deer in headlights, (The words of my Tutor!). But I persevered, it was hard work! I am not going to paint a picture of perfection right from the start, because it wasnt! But I new that I wanted to succeed. Its amazing what you can achieve if you put your mind to something…

It was in 2011 and that I won the Student of the Year award. (The only Student form the Arts department to ever win the award! ). I was also chosen to represent the University and exhibit in South Africa, where I was given a permanent Exhibition of my work. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me!

©Emma Holt BA(Hons) Taken from the Spirit Within.

In 2012, I graduated with a 1st class Degree in Photography and went onto to forge a name for myself as one of the North West’s, leading Female Photographers. I began to also become really well known as one of the most emotive and atmospheric Photographers. I didn’t set out for this happen. I didn’t realise I was any good at atmospheric monochrome work, it just happened! After my graduation Exhibition in London & Lancashire, I started to exhibit my work across the North West. That’s when I really started to get noticed. Venues and Restaurants purchased my landscape images from me, displaying them on their walls. You can find my landscape work on my main Website;

Emma Holt Photography BA(Hons)

Stockman & Holt Photography-1-2.jpg

Fast forward a couple of years and I successfully launched a Wedding Photography Business with my friend and fellow Photographer, Carren Stockman (Now Booth!). Stockman & Holt Photography BA(Hons)

Between us we have had Articles and images published in various major Wedding Publications…
However, I began to get people asking me whether I taught Photography….so, I thought why the hell not? Lets open a Photography School, I had been thinking about teaching for a while, I love helping people and getting them to explore their own creativity, so Emotive Capture Photography School was born! My aim is to not only going get individuals off Automatic settings, but to get them to also connect with their surroundings as well! I love the Countryside, and feel getting outside, breathing in the fresh air, is so good for the soul and the mind, wouldn’t you agree? I regularly run Photography Workshops across the North west, Yorkshire, Cumbria and Wales. You can find out more info on Photography Tuition at

Emotive Capture Photography School

So, onto my lovely Personal Brand Photography business……

I noticed there was a lack of really creative Brand Photography, that understood the needs of the Individual and their BRAND. For me, every business is different! Every owner is different….

YOU are UNIQUE, so shouldn’t your Brand Photography reflect this too?

I now Specialise in Contemporary Personal Brand Photography. I dont do ordinary run of the mill imagery, sorry but I dont! Your BRAND needs to stand out from the crowd, not blend in!

I’m a Business owner just like you, so I understand the challenges YOU face on a daily basis and how important getting your business visible is, well in fact its the most important aspect of running any business! Did you know on average there are 27 touch points a potential Client needs to make before they make their purchase from you. I know a lot! That’s what I thought when I first learnt all the stuff, I now know.

Want more info? Please feel free to get in touch!

I would love to work with you and bring your business to life! :)

Thank you from the bottom of my Camera.
Emzy x

As seen in several Publications including;