Why I decided to become a Photographer.

Hello everyone!
Now for those that know me, know why I became a Photographer in the first place.
I mean it didn’t happen over night though, it happened over many, many years!
You see I guess I always loved Art! Anything to do with getting creative and I am in!
Whether that’s Interior design, Architecture, Photography, Fine Art, Craft, Writing, anything really that means I get to be creative. If I am honest, I grew up wanting to be a Ballerina and I would be lying if I said that dream has disappeared. Yes, I still would love to be a Ballerina, and regularly attend a Ballet class at my local Dance School. Unfortunately as a Child I never got the chance to really do my dream as my Parents couldn’t afford to send me. However, as an Adult I get to full fill all those dreams and do things I love! Including buying cosmetics from the Beauty Counters in Department Stores! Ok, I am going off subject matter a bit…but you get the gist! :)

My Mum, sadly passed away when I was just fifteen years old, so I guess I have always wanted to make her feel proud too, I seem to have this inner voice, Shouting!! Make your Mum proud, make your Family proud, your Hubby, your Dad….the list seems to go on and on…

I am incredibly hard on myself though, I guess its just part of me!
Anyway, I attended Art College and studied; A level Fine Art, A-level Art History & BTEC Art & Design. I loved it! I got to be creative to my hearts content.

After I finished my courses at College, I was at a lost, what do I do now?

Over the years, I ended up working in Retail, for various Companies. However, I always knew I wanted a creative career, standing behind a till wasnt for me. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, it just wasn’t for me!
I was dreaming of having my own Business, but really didn’t know how to go about it or what I should really sell or do?
Fast forward a few years and I got a position as a Visual Merchandising Stylist for Marks & Spencer. I was the full time Stylist, so I was given the task of making sure everything was done correctly within the team.
Yes, I styled and maintained the Window Displays as well as style the many Mannequins in Ladies wear! I really did enjoy it, it was probably one of the most rewarding positions I have ever had. I finally had a taste of a creative career!

Ok, so you are probably still wondering how the heck I got into Photography!
Well, before I went to University I did work in a small photography Studio, which was great experience and gave me the ‘Photography Bug.’ Working with families and styling the shoots was amazing!

I also went through the Companies grade system and learnt so much about Studio Photography and how to pose people in front of the Camera.

Lets fast forward again…

Sadly after suffering two Miscarriages and spending days in Hospital, I had a major break down…my mental and Physical health had really suffered, so I took about six months off employment…I needed to recuperate, to rest, to work on me! (Something that is extremely important to do). It was during this time, that I realised I needed to do something that was for me, something new!

So, I took a leap into the un-known and really pushed myself out of my comfort zone! That’s when I started a Photography Course at a local University.

The first year was hell! It was the hardest thing I have ever done! My Tutor said, I was actually like a Deer in headlights! I felt it for sure! Going back to education at the age of thirty something, isn’t for the faint hearted. I still wasnt a 100% after my tragic miscarriages. They even said I could do with counselling and would leave my place open on the course for another year, so I could take a year off and get myself help. I didn’t listen! Not sure why I didn’t, but I didn’t! I refused to give up!

It wasnt easy at all and there were times I wondered what the hell I was doing! But I carried on, refusing to give up!! I would have a daily mantra,” Nothing and no one is going to stop me”

You see when you have that motivation, that drive, that passion….nothing will stop you! Nothing!

I went on to receive the Student of the year award in 2011, I was also chosen to exhibit in South Africa.

I finally realised that I could accomplish something great! You see, I was also badly bullied too…I Forgot to mention that didn’t I? I once was pushed into glass, pushed down the stairs, spat at and hit regularly! I grew up thinking I wouldnt account to anything…and guess what ? I actually made it! I used those bad memories to spur me on…

I graduated with a 1st class BA(Hons) in Photography.
After graduating, I went onto have several exhibitions, in London and across the North west. I also set up a Wedding Photography business with my friend and fellow Photographer Carren Booth. I’ve had Articles and images published in Magazines as well as sell my two Photography Books, and Recently I set up my very own Photography School ‘Emotive Capture Photography School’.

I am now know for my Emotive and atmospheric Photography…

The thing is, I get to be creative every day! I get to be my own Boss!

So, I have now taken on Brand Photography and I love it! I mean I get to meet so many amazing female entrepreneurs…so many fantastic businesses, whats not to like?

I am a very lucky Lady..

From the bottom of my Camera, thank you for reading.
Emzy x


Behind the Scenes of a Personal Brand Shoot.